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Caminando Por fé

In New Creation we have a group of people who have had an encounter with God, they go out every other Saturday to preach in the streets. The reason why we believe so much in the power and importance of evangelizing is because Jesus grew his ministry here on earth through evangelism, he walked the streets carrying the word everywhere, he did not stay within four walls. And that is why we have to reflect the same passion for souls and believe that if we go out to preach like Jesus then we will heal sick people like Jesus, change lives like Jesus, and fill the world with the glory of God like Jesus, Amen!

Days and Times of Evangelism

Come and transform the world with us 

Every other saturday at 12:30pm
We meet in the prking lot of Belle Salle Banquets

Our Evangelism Leader 

Jesus Saves 


Jacinto Brito

Jacinto has been part of the congregation since 2015 and has been a blessing from the moment he entered the doors, helping in any area regardless of the reward and that is why he has been raised as the leader of the Jesus Saves Evangelism team in New Creation Aurora

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